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Posts Tagged ‘calculation

“Machines take me by surprise with great frequency”*…

In search of universals in the 17th century, Gottfried Leibniz imagined the calculus ratiocinator, a theoretical logical calculation framework aimed at universal application, that led Norbert Wiener suggested that Leibniz should be considered the patron saint of cybernetics. In the 19th century, Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace took a pair of whacks at making it real.

Ironically, it was confronting the impossibility of a universal calculator that led to modern computing. In 1936 (the same year that Charlie Chaplin released Modern Times) Alan Turing (following on Godel’s demonstration that mathematics is incomplete and addressing Hilbert‘s “decision problem,” querying the limits of computation) published the (notional) design of a “machine” that elegantly demonstrated those limits– and, as Sheon Han explains, birthed computing as we know it…

… [Hilbert’s] question would lead to a formal definition of computability, one that allowed mathematicians to answer a host of new problems and laid the foundation for theoretical computer science.

The definition came from a 23-year-old grad student named Alan Turing, who in 1936 wrote a seminal paper that not only formalized the concept of computation, but also proved a fundamental question in mathematics and created the intellectual foundation for the invention of the electronic computer. Turing’s great insight was to provide a concrete answer to the computation question in the form of an abstract machine, later named the Turing machine by his doctoral adviser, Alonzo Church. It’s abstract because it doesn’t (and can’t) physically exist as a tangible device. Instead, it’s a conceptual model of computation: If the machine can calculate a function, then the function is computable.

With his abstract machine, Turing established a model of computation to answer the Entscheidungsproblem, which formally asks: Given a set of mathematical axioms, is there a mechanical process — a set of instructions, which today we’d call an algorithm — that can always determine whether a given statement is true?…

… in 1936, Church and Turing — using different methods — independently proved that there is no general way of solving every instance of the Entscheidungsproblem. For example, some games, such as John Conway’s Game of Life, are undecidable: No algorithm can determine whether a certain pattern will appear from an initial pattern.

Beyond answering these fundamental questions, Turing’s machine also led directly to the development of modern computers, through a variant known as the universal Turing machine. This is a special kind of Turing machine that can simulate any other Turing machine on any input. It can read a description of other Turing machines (their rules and input tapes) and simulate their behaviors on its own input tape, producing the same output that the simulated machine would produce, just as today’s computers can read any program and execute it. In 1945, John von Neumann proposed a computer architecture — called the von Neumann architecture — that made the universal Turing machine concept possible in a real-life machine…

As Turing said, “if a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent.” On the importance of thought experiments: “The Most Important Machine That Was Never Built,” from @sheonhan in @QuantaMagazine.

* Alan Turing


As we sum it up, we might spare a thought for Martin Gardner; he died on this date in 2010.  Though not an academic, nor ever a formal student of math or science, he wrote widely and prolifically on both subjects in such popular books as The Ambidextrous Universe and The Relativity Explosion and as the “Mathematical Games” columnist for Scientific American. Indeed, his elegant– and understandable– puzzles delighted professional and amateur readers alike, and helped inspire a generation of young mathematicians.

Gardner’s interests were wide; in addition to the math and science that were his power alley, he studied and wrote on topics that included magic, philosophy, religion, and literature (c.f., especially his work on Lewis Carroll– including the delightful Annotated Alice— and on G.K. Chesterton).  And he was a fierce debunker of pseudoscience: a founding member of CSICOP, and contributor of a monthly column (“Notes of a Fringe Watcher,” from 1983 to 2002) in Skeptical Inquirer, that organization’s monthly magazine.


Written by (Roughly) Daily

May 22, 2023 at 1:00 am