(Roughly) Daily

“The business of America is business”*…


A pair of Georgia Tech computer science students have created a Random Startup Website Generator that spits out a different jargon-laden startup website every time you click on “Get Started”.

Try it here; more background here.

* Calvin Coolidge


As we prepare for our IPOs, we might recall that it was on this date in 1796 that the first U.S. patent for a pill of any kind was issued to Samuel Lee, Jr., of Connecticut, for a “Composition of bilious pills” which he renewed in 1810 and marketed as “Lee’s Windham Pills.”  Made up of “gamboge, aloes, soap, and nitrate of potassa,” the pills were of uncertain medical value– but were a huge hit.  Indeed, a second Samuel Lee (Samuel H.P. Lee, who had worked as an agent for the first Sam) began marketing a knock-off– which occasioned one of the young country’s first patent fights.



Written by (Roughly) Daily

April 30, 2015 at 1:01 am

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