(Roughly) Daily

Posts Tagged ‘Jefferson Building

The Annals of Punctuation: Onerous Omissions…

In his blog Making Light, under the headline “The return of the final serial comma’s vital necessity,” Patrick Nielsen Hayden reproduces this clipping from the July 21 edition of the Los Angeles Times:

As Michael Quinion observes in World Wide Words, it’s reminiscent of the famous [but apocryphal] book dedication, “To my parents, Ayn Rand and God.”

As we recommit ourselves to curly clarity, we might recall that on this date in 1897 the first free-standing Library of Congress– the Jefferson Building– opened its doors to the public.  The Library had until then been housed in the Congressional Reading Room in the U.S. Capitol.

The Jefferson Building under construction (source)




Written by (Roughly) Daily

November 1, 2010 at 12:01 am