(Roughly) Daily

Posts Tagged ‘dashboard design

Speeding through the ages…


Corvette, 2003

Designer Christian Annyas– the keeper of the earlier-featured “Movie-Title Stills Collection“– notes that this is Chevrolet’s centennial year…

2011 marks the 100th anniversary of Chevrolet. During these 100 years Chevrolet developed over a hundred different types of cars, vans and trucks. All of those cars, vans and trucks have something in common: they all contain speedometers.

See Christian’s collection of evocative examples at “Chevrolet Speedometer Design.”


As we reconsider our limits, we might recall that it was on this date in 1930 that the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel– the only international subaqueous tunnel in the world– opened to traffic.  The passage was a collection of engineering feats and marvels; perhaps most marvelous, the ventilation system, which pumped (and pumps to this day) 1.5 million cubic feet of air into the tunnel each minute.  Indeed, the air quality in the tunnel remains so good that the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel is still part of the Free Press Marathon–the only international underwater mile in road running.


Written by (Roughly) Daily

November 4, 2011 at 1:01 am