(Roughly) Daily

Posts Tagged ‘archetypes

“You have to dream your way out of the nightmare”*…

From @deepdarkfears, a Tumblr of… well, Deep Dark Fears.

Readers can tender their own trepidations, and see them turned into cartoons like these…

Illuminating the dark night of the soul:  Deep Dark Fears.

* will.i.am


As we wrestle with our demons, we might spare a thought for Marie-Louise von Franz; she died on this date in 1998.  A student of, and long-time collaborator with Carl Jung, von Franz practiced in Switzerland, where she founded the the C. G. Jung Institute (in Zurich).

As her obituary in The New York Times observed, she believed, with Jung, that “all humanity shares a collective unconscious of genetically replicated archetypal forms reflecting and embodying the entire spectrum of human aspirations, feelings, fears and frustrations,” and that these archetypes are played out in dreams.  In The Way of the Dream (one of her two dozen books and monographs), she claims to have interpreted over 65,000 dreams.



Written by (Roughly) Daily

February 17, 2014 at 1:01 am