(Roughly) Daily

Posts Tagged ‘Pauline Kael

Where’s Waldo (Salt)?…

Empire is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary with a nifty puzzle, The Cryptic Canvas:  a painting– a scaled-up, interactive version of the one above– in which are hidden clues to the titles of 50 great films from the last 20 (or so) years…  simply mouse over a clue, fill in the box with a title, watch the box turn green when correctly filled… and continue!

As we commune with our inner Pauline Kael, we might recall that today is National Yo-Yo Day (celebrated on June 6th to commemorate the birthday of Donald F. Duncan, Sr., the entrepreneur who populrized the yo-yo in the U.S. in the early-mid Twentieth Century).

Yo-yo champ Brad Byers

Written by (Roughly) Daily

June 6, 2009 at 12:01 am