(Roughly) Daily

Posts Tagged ‘O.J. Simpson murder trial

Hitting ’em where they ain’t…

The folks at Really Magazine have a bone to pick with Google and it’s Page Rank Algorithm, which determines the results that a search yields:

It is of course pure folly. It works by pushing up the pages which are already  popular and have lots of links to them. Although it is patented, there is and never was absolutely nothing new about it. It is just a computerized feedback version of ‘The rich get richer’ or ‘Nothing succeeds like success’ – which we all know too well.
full article

By way of remedy, Really commissioned Inframutt, which “is trained to automatically fetch and display the least popular results for any given search page.”

Try it here.

As we marvel at the ways in which democracy can seem positively random, we might recall that it was on this date in 1994 that the first phase of jury selection in the O.J. Simpson murder trial was completed (304 potential jurors were chosen).  It was exactly one year later– on this date in 1995– that the case was sent to the jury for deliberation.


Written by (Roughly) Daily

September 29, 2010 at 12:01 am